Having received a house in the wilderness, the abandoned nurse went out for firewood in the frost and found something unexpected in the forest..

Barbara Solovyova sat in the doctor’s office and wept bitterly. The young nurse couldn’t come to terms with her beloved husband’s betrayal: it turned out that Gena had been cheating on her for the last couple of years and was even planning to marry his mistress! «What a nightmare, oh Lord!» thought Varya to herself, […]


Vitaliy was on his way to visit his mother’s grave for the last time. However, an unexpected encounter turned all his plans upside down

Vitaly woke up in an unfamiliar room. From the first seconds, he realized that he was in a hospital—the distinctive smell of antiseptics, white walls, and the typical hospital setting left no doubt. «What nonsense?» he thought. He distinctly remembered stopping at a road sign, surveying the landscape before him, and smiling, recalling how he […]


Tell your mother to never set foot in our house again! She has her favorite grandchildren and her darling little son; let her hover around them instead.

Mom, come on, someone came to see you!» said fifteen-year-old Ksenia to her mother. At that moment, Vera was sitting at a table in her bedroom, sorting through work papers and listening to music through headphones to avoid being distracted by the noise coming from the neighboring apartment, where renovation had been ongoing for the […]
