He set up his wife and put her behind bars, but she was smarter.


Margo was staring intently at the door. The day had come when she could settle scores with her husband.

Her eyes gleamed with a malevolent fire. How long she had waited for this day… A whole 2 years.

Finally, she heard the sound of the door opening, and her heart nearly leaped out of her chest.

On the bed lay her belongings, piled up, next to which was a bag where she was supposed to pack everything.

A woman in uniform entered the room.

«Time to leave, Margosha!» Margo got up, quickly packed her things, and then hurriedly left her cell.

«What, can’t wait to meet with your lover?» sneered the guard, who followed her.

Margo said nothing. She walked with her head held high. She no longer cared what was said behind her back. She had endured enough trials, but now she was ready to settle scores with her abusers.

She looked forward, but events from three years ago flashed before her eyes.

Margo and Grisha were successful businessmen. When they got married, things immediately started looking up.

Success not only turned their heads but also brought discord into their family life. Margo knew all about her husband’s affairs, but for the sake of a successful business, she endured everything.

It hurt, but she still remembered her husband as he was when they first met. Back then, they were simple people, in love with each other. But over the years, that love had faded, giving way to habit.

Margo trusted her husband. She signed all the documents he presented her without looking. It turned out that this played against her. Her successful and happy life disappeared in one day.

That day, she was accused of major fraud and hiding money. And she ended up in jail. Her own husband framed her, presenting forged documents.

The trial was brief. Her husband testified against her. She was not provided with a good lawyer. She couldn’t find one herself. Most likely, her husband had bribed someone because the court quickly dismissed the case, pinning all the blame on her.

She was sentenced to 5 years. In prison, over two years, she remade herself. Now she was no longer the frightened girl who couldn’t stand up for herself. She had now cultivated a strength within herself.

For her good behavior, she was released early, and now she craved revenge.

And Grisha was the main character she had to show her new «self» to. Margo thought about all this while her belongings were handed to her.

«Good luck, beauty!» the guard slapped her on the shoulder. When Margo was outside the prison gates, she couldn’t take a single step. Fear seized her again. For two whole years, she had nurtured a plan for revenge, and now she was afraid she might not be able to carry out what she so desired. She stood there for about five minutes, then saw a familiar figure approaching her.

Her body immediately relaxed. Thank God, he was here. She ran to meet him. He quickened his pace too. A few moments later, they met, and the man embraced her.

«Margo, I can’t believe this moment has come.»

Margo buried her face in his neck, nervously laughing. But he had been waiting for this moment no less than she had. It was Artem, her husband’s friend.

Right after she was put in jail, he began visiting her. He believed in her innocence and knew that Grisha was not as innocent as he seemed. Here, Artem’s long-standing affection for Margo played a significant role. However, he never spoke of his feelings, only confessing to Margo a year after his visits.

By then, Margo felt more than just gratitude towards Artem. They fell in love, her in jail, him in freedom. Now nothing could stop these lovers.

«I was afraid you wouldn’t come for me,» the woman whispered.

The man squeezed her tighter in his arms. «How could I leave you? I will never let you go again.»

Margo inhaled his scent and sighed contentedly. When she was in jail, she started to find out interesting things with Artem’s help.

Artem was a close friend of Grisha’s, and he knew some details of his schemes. Artem told her that all this was orchestrated by Grisha because of his mistress, who wanted to take part of the business that belonged to Margo.

With her help, her husband thought through and executed his dirty deeds. When Margo learned about this, she promised him revenge. And Artem helped her in this.

He often visited Margo and Grisha’s house. Her husband suspected nothing of any relationship between the two. He did not keep track of Margo’s condition in jail, so he didn’t know about Artem’s visits.

After the trial, he divorced Margo, and now he didn’t care about her fate.

«Let’s get out of here. I want to take a shower after these walls. I feel like I reek of this rotten prison smell.»

Margo wrinkled her nose. Artem laughed:

«What are you talking about? You smell better than any woman in the world.»

He kissed her on the forehead and loosened his arms, releasing her from his embrace.

Margo laughed, relishing the sound of her own laughter in the open air. Now fate was in her hands. She could laugh whenever she wanted. Not fearing the angry yells of the mean guard.

They took each other’s hands and walked to the car parked nearby. Margo dreamed of a hot shower and a cup of coffee. After a while, she already sat in a chair at Artem’s house.

Her hair was damp. She wrapped herself in a terry robe, holding a mug of coffee in her hands. She savored the first sip, then blissfully closed her eyes. When the coffee was drunk, she resolutely placed the cup on the coffee table and said:

«Now I want you to show me those documents. I need to make sure everything went as we dreamed.» Margo impatiently clenched her fists.

Artem looked at her intently. This woman had driven him crazy for a long time. He had kept his feelings inside for years. His sister worked at Margo and Grisha’s company, so he not only often visited their home but also stopped by at work.

He told everyone he wanted to see his sister. In reality, he needed Margo. He adored watching her in a business suit with documents in her hands.

She caused a tremor in him that no other woman could cause in his entire life. And now Margo was sitting in his chair, wearing his robe. Wasn’t this true happiness?

He took out several documents from a small safe in the closet, carefully brought them to Margo, and handed them to her. Margo took them with a smile. She knew this was the end for Grisha.

It felt so good to hold his fate in her hands. She smiled at Artem again:

«Tell me in more detail how it all happened. I couldn’t ask you about the details in prison. Please, tell me.»

She took his hand and pulled him to the floor beside her. Artem smiled and began to tell:

«My little sister couldn’t refuse me. She also believed that you had nothing to do with it.

So I promised her that we would not leave her when everything happened. She is our accomplice, and we will take care of her.

I gave her these documents, which she had to slip in for a signature. At that moment, when I was in Grisha’s office, he was telling me about another mistress.

His mood was splendid. At that moment, the sister walked in. She slipped him a stack of papers, which he was supposed to sign.

He felt relaxed after you went to jail, and he no longer followed the company’s affairs as closely.

That’s when he signed all these documents without even reading them.»

Margo blissfully closed her eyes. Yes, now he would pay for all his schemes. He would fully pay for what he did to her life. She would make sure it hurt him.

She opened her eyes and looked at Artem. Fate had sent her this man. She had known him for years but never suspected his feelings. Love for Grisha had blinded her. Then the pain after his betrayal. Only after she was put in jail could she remove the blindfold from her eyes. And then she saw something in Artem’s eyes that made her feel an incredible tremor.

He had helped her so much. He betrayed a friend for a loved one, who hadn’t even promised him anything. She leaned towards Artem and hugged his neck, then whispered softly:

«I love you and want to be with you. When I finish everything, will you marry an ex-convict? I have no right to ask you this, but I need to know. I want to find out right now.»

Artem cupped her face in his hands.

«I will never leave you. I’ve dreamed of this for years. And you’re asking me? But if you want to hear a proposal from me, here it is. Will you marry me?»

Margo laughed:

«Yes, yes, yes.»

They merged in kisses, and then what they both had been waiting for so long happened.

The next day, Margo approached the tall building where the main office of the company was located.

She was wearing high heels. She felt confident, holding a folder with copies of the documents in her hands. She was ready for the meeting with her ex-husband.

When she entered the office, dead silence reigned. No one stopped her when she opened the door to Grisha’s office. She confidently entered and closed the door behind her.

Grisha was sitting at the desk, talking to someone on the phone:

«Yes, of course, I’ll pick you up in the evening, baby, you can tell me everything, I’ll call you when…»

Grisha fell silent mid-sentence when he saw Margo in the middle of the office. He turned pale, then silently hung up the phone. His face was a mix of fear and wild anger:

«What are you doing here and why were you let in here without permission?»

Margo smiled, then approached the desk. She sat down, crossed one leg over the other, and placed the folder with the documents on her lap.

«Probably because I’m also the owner here. Or maybe because everyone knows that you are the main fraudster here, not me.»

Grisha clenched his fists, his anger growing by the second:

«You know what, I don’t care what others think, especially you. You’re no longer my wife, and you’re nobody here.

I don’t want you here. Since you’re out of jail, kindly go your way. And don’t cross my path again, or I’ll lock you up again.»

Margo sweetly smiled, but her eyes were icy.

«You’re foolishly throwing me out. I have a surprise for you that won’t please you at all. Well, that’s fine. I’m ready to endure your rage because it will be justified.

You locked me away while enjoying all your women. And now it’s my turn. Now you’ll taste what you made me endure.»

Margo slowly opened the folder with the documents, pulled out a few papers, and placed them on the table in front of Grisha:

«Please review these documents. I warn you, you can destroy them, these are copies.

The originals are with my lawyer, who will represent my interests in court. Whatever you do now, it will all turn against you in the future. So I’m telling you right away, touch me with a finger, and you’ll spend the rest of your life behind bars.»

Grisha frowned and took the documents in his hands. After examining them, he raised his eyebrows in astonishment.

«Is this some kind of joke?» Grisha stared at his ex-wife.

Margo leaned closer to the table and whispered:

«You taught me two years ago that there’s no room for jokes in this life. I’m a good student, right?» Several months later, Margo married Artem. Now she was the rightful owner of her company. She also took back her mansion from her ex-husband. And his expensive car passed to her.

Grisha was left with nothing. He disappeared from her life as if he had never existed. The court proved by all documents that he voluntarily wrote off all property and the company in favor of Margo.

This time, Margo won the victory and celebrated it already with her new husband, who helped her find herself again.