He who does not work, shall not eat!» shouted the mother-in-law, snatching the food from her daughter-in-law, «Go find a job, instead of emptying the fridge!

No, just look at her! Soon she won’t fit through the door, yet you can’t drag her away from the kitchen!» muttered Evgenia Borisovna under her breath, glancing at her daughter-in-law, who was finishing a cottage cheese bar. Elina turned around, but her mother-in-law was no longer in the hallway. Perhaps she had imagined it, […]


Everything we acquired during our marriage, you must give to us, me and Leon,» declared the mistress, but the wife laughed in response.

Lenochka, which swimsuit should I take?» Vitalina twirled in front of the mirror, trying on one swimsuit after another. «Any,» replied the attractive middle-aged man without looking up from his monitor. «Lenchik, you didn’t even look,» the girl pouted her already plump lips and approached Leonid with a catlike walk, placing her hands on his […]
