The conductor seated the pregnant woman without a ticket in the compartment with the strange old man. At night, the carriage was awakened by screams.

The conductor seated the pregnant woman without a ticket next to the strange old man in the compartment. At night, the carriage was awakened by screams. Natalya slammed the door loudly. From early in the morning, she had a premonition that this day would not go smoothly. Luce, her 19-year-old daughter, had recently brought home […]


The conductor seated the pregnant woman without a ticket in the compartment with the strange old man. At night, the carriage was awakened by screams.

Natalya slammed the door shut with a loud bang. From the morning, she had a premonition that this day would be off. Lucy, her 19-year-old daughter, recently brought a kitten named Musya home, and it had already made a mess right on the bathroom rug. Natalya found it hard to scold her daughter for this, […]
