Have you already sold your apartment? Transfer the money to me immediately!» — The mother-in-law stunned everyone with her call.

— Katerina, why are you taking so long to answer the phone?» — the mother-in-law, Olga Vitalievna, shouted disapprovingly. Of course, Katya took a while to answer the call. That’s because she had barely managed to locate her cellphone. In this chaos, nothing could be found. Boxes and bundles were everywhere—they had just moved into […]


— I gave your dog to good hands; my mother said that animals have no place in the house,» declared the husband.

Friends and colleagues condemned me, calling my actions abnormal, but I don’t care. To me, those who mistreat animals aren’t even human. How can one betray one’s friends? And a dog—my beloved Plushka—is my dearest friend, and I would never trade her for anyone. Plushka is a beautiful, reddish Spitz whom my mother adored. She […]
