Nadyusha, how are you holding up over there?» came the caring voice of her sister.
«Lil, I don’t even understand myself… I’m running out of strength. Last night I went another sleepless night.»
«Maybe you should take a sedative? Or see a specialist? Look at how you’ve withered away…»
I – Nadezhda – had recently experienced the loss of my father. Eight days ago, we marked the ninth day and visited the cemetery together with my older sister, Lila. Now we are sitting at my kitchen table, yet any talk of celebrations feels unbearable.
«Lil, I can’t imagine how to go on living without Dad. Mom left long ago, and now there are no close relatives left…»
«Don’t say that, you have Sergey and Antoshka. You need to pull yourself together for them.»
«I can see how much Sergey is suffering, even though he tries to hide it… And now there’s this inheritance…»
My hand closed over my eyes as I recalled the information from the notary. It turned out that Dad had once sold his country house, investing the money profitably. As a result, Lila received two suburban apartments for renting, and I – a significant sum of money.
«Nadya, this is a blessing! Dad took care of you, knowing about the family and the child.»
«A blessing, if it weren’t for the gossip. If you don’t believe me – even the neighbors are asking if I’m now rich.»
Lila just shrugged hopelessly. I got up to make some coffee, feeling completely drained: the loss of my father, the emotional pain, the legal issues… and also the strange behavior of my mother-in-law, Tamara Sergeyevna. This woman had always been complicated, our relationship was less than ideal, and now her excessive care was bewildering.
«Nadyusha, darling, have you decided what you’re going to do with the money?» Tamara Sergeyevna asked one morning, suddenly appearing with us.
«Not yet,» I replied courteously. «Now’s not the time, my head just isn’t working.»
«Don’t get upset. Everything can be discussed as a family. Imagine – you could all go on a seaside vacation. And I would join, help with the grandson… For example, while you’re out on excursions…»
Silence was my answer. Firstly, a vacation was not in the plans – not now. Secondly, «help» from mother-in-law sounded suspicious. She had never really shown love towards me.
«Tamara Sergeyevna, no decision yet. When I receive the documents… then I’ll think about it,» I said shortly, hinting at her departure.
«I understand. Just don’t delay. Sometimes money disappears faster than you think…»
She fell silent as she heard her husband’s footsteps.
«Mom, why so early? Nadya just got back from the notary; she needs a break. Calm down.»
«I just wanted to help, son. I have more life experience.»
Sergey raised his eyebrows in surprise but said nothing. I went to do the dishes and mentioned the need to go to the store – a way to get rid of an unwelcome guest.
«Let me give you a ride! I’m headed that way too; I have a hairdresser appointment.»
«Thank you, but I’ll walk – the weather is nice,» I declined.
Tamara Sergeyevna sighed, looked at us, and headed for the door.
«Call if you need anything…»
After she left, Sergey turned to me:
«Nadya, don’t be too cold. She was trying to help in her own way…»
«I know, Sergey, but her ‘support’ is overwhelming. You see – her insistence is off the charts.»
He just shrugged.
Gradually, these «polite» visits began to turn into a real invasion. Tamara Sergeyevna would appear unexpectedly, for any excuse: sometimes she’d bring fresh pastries for Antoshka, other times «pop in for five minutes,» and invariably leave a bag of groceries. But every visit was accompanied by intrusive questioning: «How’s the paperwork going? When are you planning to update your transportation? Are you even thinking of moving out of your apartment?»
One evening, after yet another such intrusion, I collapsed on the sofa next to Sergey, feeling how tension was gripping my entire body.
«Sergey, why does she behave this way?» «What’s wrong? She just wants to be helpful…» «Helpful? This is called meddling! Dad’s inheritance was his personal decision. Why does she have to interfere?»
I fell silent, realizing that I was getting worked up again. Sergey had always treated his mother with a special reverence, and although he loved me, it was never easy to make him stand up to her influence. Since childhood, he had been used to deferring to her authority, and Tamara Sergeyevna masterfully played the role of either a victim or a caring relative.
The next day, Lila called me directly at work.
«Nadya, you won’t believe it… Today that woman called me! And she started interrogating me about our apartments, hinting that we could join forces to buy a house.»
«What?!» I snapped. «She’s completely crossed the line! But I’m trying to keep myself together…»
«Maybe you should tell her straight up to stop? She clearly doesn’t understand boundaries.» «I’m thinking about it… I want to find a way that won’t end in a scandal.»
Lila snorted:
«You know, restraint is clearly not in our family’s nature. Dad was never afraid to speak the truth to your face. Sometimes that’s even a good thing…»
I involuntarily smiled, picturing my father who had always expressed himself without any sugarcoating. Perhaps it was time for me to stop fearing the displeasure of others?
A month passed. Antoshka returned to kindergarten after his illness, and I continued my remote work – translations for a company and occasional babysitting. But my mother-in-law was not ready to calm down. Her calls and visits became almost daily, especially as the day to receive my inheritance drew nearer.
One evening, while we were having dinner with the family, there was a knock at the door.
«Mom again,» Sergey remarked as he looked through the peephole.
There stood Tamara Sergeyevna on the threshold, with a broad smile and some folder in her hands.
«Guys, here are some ideas for the future! Look at these wonderful country house options I found through a realtor acquaintance. A one-story house, a two-story mansion, even a townhouse exists!»
«Why all this, Tamara Sergeyevna?» I tried to keep my composure. «Why not? You’re planning to buy real estate! And I thought – wouldn’t it be great if we lived closer together. I get so lonely by myself…»
Sergey frowned:
«Mom, Nadya and I haven’t decided about a house yet. Maybe we’ll figure it out later. Now is not the time to talk about this.»
«Just take a look! Antoshka will have space to run around! And we could even get a dog…»
The boy perked up at the mention of a pet. Of course, he had long dreamed of having a four-legged friend, but now was not the best time for such discussions.
«Mom, we’ll decide for ourselves where to spend the money. If we need advice, we’ll ask,» Sergey said softly but firmly.
«You’re so incomprehensible!» the mother-in-law protested, alternately glancing at her son and me. «Your money could vanish if you don’t invest it properly. By the way, I haven’t forgotten about your seaside vacation. Young families need a change of scenery so the boy can see the world!»
For another ten minutes, she enumerated the advantages of country living, frequent cars, and “wise” investments. I sat silently, feeling my head spin from her onslaught.
Finally, after she left, I turned to my husband:
«Sergey, this can’t go on. Maybe we should order her ’emergency help for excessive activity’?»
«Nadya, I’ll definitely talk to her tomorrow. I’ll explain that it’s already too much.»
«Absolutely. I’m just completely exhausted…»
The next morning, while taking Antoshka to kindergarten, I headed home. To my surprise, my mother-in-law was waiting near the entrance.
«Nadyusha, can we talk?» she asked as soon as I came closer. «Tamara Sergeyevna, did something happen?» I asked sincerely. «No, nothing special. I just want to discuss something without extra ears around.»
I offered her to come in, though internally I resisted the idea. Yet leaving her on the stairwell would have been impolite. She stepped into the kitchen, comfortably seated at the table, and folded her hands on her lap.
«Nadya, why don’t you listen to my advice? I am now your relative, almost like a second mother. I want everything to work out well for you. For instance, now is an excellent time to buy a country house – prices will soon rise, and currently, you can afford it. You could even do a major renovation…»
«Tamara Sergeyevna, your involvement is touching, but…» I began, then added, «Also, I was thinking about a vacation. If you’re planning to go somewhere, why not join forces? I have some interesting proposals from travel agents I know – for example, Turkey…»
I could feel my irritation rising inside, but I held myself together.
«Tamara Sergeyevna, let me finish. Do you realize that Dad left just recently?»
«Precisely why you need to distract yourselves! And money should be working, not just sitting in the bank.»
«We will decide for ourselves when and what to purchase. Sergey is my husband, and we will only consult with each other.»
She pouted, but then conciliatorily added, «Dear, I only mean well for you…»
Sighing heavily, I replied, «I understand your intentions, but I ask you: let me figure everything out on my own.»
To my surprise, my mother-in-law stood up, adjusted her purse, and said, «Well, if that’s how it is… I’ll think over my words.»
After she left, I felt as if a hurricane had swept through the apartment.
That very night, Tamara Sergeyevna called Sergey. I caught fragments of their conversation: «Mom, again with the old stuff? … we need to help them buy…» «Don’t interfere! Nadya hasn’t officially received anything yet.» «…she just doesn’t understand the importance of it all.»
Sergey spoke quietly, trying not to wake the boy, and I couldn’t catch all of his responses to her. But it was obvious that he was angry, trying to reason with her.
«It seems she’s convinced that you and Lila will spend everything unwisely,» Sergey said after the call ended. «Apparently, she feels it’s her duty to ‘save’ us from mistakes.»
«What a ‘savior’ she is… It seems more like she wants to control our finances.»
«Don’t worry. I’ll go see her tomorrow and have a serious talk.»
But my mother-in-law’s intrusiveness had reached a new level. She began proposing strange investment projects and gathering information about profitable deals. One day, when Lila was with us, Tamara Sergeyevna enthusiastically outlined some plan for constructing a hotel complex.
Lila couldn’t stand it any longer: «Tamara Sergeyevna, maybe you should mind your own business? Why are you so actively interfering in Nadya’s life?»
«What are you accusing me of?! Is it so wrong that I’m trying to help? Without me, it seems you’re incapable of doing anything right!»
The atmosphere reached its breaking point. Lila looked at me demandingly, signaling that it was time to act.
«Tamara Sergeyevna, stop with your proposals. And leave our finances alone. My decision is to preserve these funds, and that’s final.»
She held her head high proudly: «As you wish. But then don’t complain when you lose everything.»
As she left, she threw one last remark: «Suit yourselves.»
After the door slammed, Lila remarked approvingly, «Nadya, it was high time to say that.»
However, that didn’t stop Tamara Sergeyevna. She decided to turn to other relatives. Rumors began to spread: that I was foolishly keeping my money in the bank, that I would soon be swindled.
One weekend, I heard rustling in the corridor. It turned out that my mother-in-law had shown up unexpectedly again.
«I’ve come to save you from reckless decisions!» she declared hastily, waving documents. «Here’s a detailed description of how to profitably invest your capital in real estate. And think of the child’s future!»
I couldn’t take it any longer and went out into the corridor: «Tamara Sergeyevna, stop this immediately! We can handle it on our own.»
«You can’t handle it; you’re simply ignoring sound advice!»
«Father’s inheritance is none of your business!» I snapped, no longer holding back. «Don’t meddle in my plans, and leave me alone!»
Her face twisted in surprise, and it felt as if a dam had burst inside me: «You don’t respect my grief and personal space! You’re only interested in money and in forcing your opinions on me!»
The situation had escalated to the limit. Sergey stood between us, unsure how to react.
«Fine then, if that’s how you want it,» she said icily. «Let’s see how you manage after missing your chance.»
She turned and quickly left.
«Nadya…» Sergey managed to say.
«I’m sorry I raised my voice in front of you, but that was too much.»
«I understand. Although it’s a sad situation… But Mom really went too far.»
I knew my husband was in a difficult position, yet I had clearly set my boundaries and made it clear that I would make my own decisions.
News of our conflict spread quickly among the relatives. Some approved of my stance, agreeing that my mother-in-law had indeed overstepped. Others thought such treatment of an elderly person was unacceptable. Still, I felt relieved: I had finally expressed everything that had been building inside me for so long.
And, surprisingly, a few days later, Tamara Sergeyevna stopped interfering in our affairs. Moreover, the “profitable proposals” and unexpected visits disappeared. We only saw her on weekends when Sergey picked up Antoshka after his brief visits to grandma’s.
«Nadya, is Mom bothering you no more?» Sergey asked one day in the car on our way to the store. «It seems she was very hurt.» «Maybe it’s for the best. You needed that break.»
A month later, I officially received the sum I was due. I placed part of the funds in a reliable bank and used the rest to renovate the apartment. When life settled into its usual rhythm, Sergey and I decided that a week’s vacation in Sochi would be a great idea to change our scenery.
Mom didn’t find out about the invitation. It wasn’t out of a desire to offend her, but because the three of us simply needed some time together. Besides, I feared the renewal of endless advice and orders.
After our return, Tamara Sergeyevna called herself: «Nadyusha, may I come in? I wanted to see how you’re doing.» I hesitantly agreed, «Of course, come in, everyone’s home.»
To my surprise, she appeared much calmer than before.
«How was your vacation?» she asked, settling into a chair. «Good, thank you. Antoshka was thrilled – it was his first time swimming in the sea.» «See, I told you that you needed to take a break… It’s a pity without me…»
I hesitated, but she quickly changed the subject, inquiring about the renovation and admiring the new kitchen. Not a single word about the money.
When she was about to leave, I decided to have an honest conversation: «Tamara Sergeyevna, let’s start with a clean slate. I don’t want any conflict, but please: stop interfering in my financial decisions.» «I understand, Nadya. I apologize if I was too overbearing.» «I appreciate your care, albeit excessive. But now I ask you to respect my boundaries.»
She nodded and thanked me for the honest dialogue.
As I saw her off, I felt a deep sense of calm. The loss of my father would remain an eternal pain, but now I had learned to defend my limits, even with those closest to me.
Sergey came over and hugged me: «You did the right thing, Nadya.»
I smiled at him. In that moment, I realized: sometimes it’s important to say “no” even to those dearest to you. After all, it helps preserve your individuality and makes you feel whole.
In the end, I emerged from this ordeal stronger – I learned to set boundaries and speak my mind directly. Had it not been for Dad’s inheritance, perhaps I would have continued to be afraid to stand up for my rights. Thank you, Dad, for the final lesson. Now I know: adulthood is about being able to speak the truth, even when it’s hard. And it seems I have finally grown up for real.