Kira found a wallet, and when she picked it up, her legs began to tremble! And that can happen sometimes!


Enough! I’m tired of the constant lack of money!»
Kira had been repeating this phrase for the third day in a row, as if trying to find the key to solving her problem. But her thoughts remained muddled, and she still had no plan of action.

Kira worked as the assistant to the general director at a crushing plant. Her salary came in regularly, and the pay was quite decent. However, in the current situation, that money turned into a meager sum that barely covered the expenses of the entire family.
Everything changed because of circumstances. And because of a loan.

Life had become like a tightly stretched string, ready to snap at the slightest movement. Dark clouds gathered overhead, threatening to unleash new misfortunes.

«If we don’t pay the loan, the collectors will start calling, and the interest will rise,» Kira mused aloud.

Two months ago, their life was completely different…

Sasha, her husband, had suffered a serious injury at work. After a complicated operation, he was expected to move around on crutches with metal rods in his leg for three months, followed by an additional six months of rehabilitation. The heel fracture turned out to be extremely complex, with multiple injuries. The doctors warned that he might be disabled for life. Recovery required time and patience.

Sasha had been the primary financial provider, but now all the payments fell squarely on Kira’s shoulders. Working under contract, he received only minimal compensation on his sick leave.

«Yes, it’s a lesson. A harsh, but necessary lesson,» they told each other as they tried to remain calm.

Now, her single salary only covered the most pressing needs: bills, groceries, and the loan.

And yet, just two months ago, everything had been different…

We often ignore or block out thoughts of potential misfortunes. We don’t want to think about what might happen!

What if you fall ill? What if you lose your job? Especially when it comes to obligations to the bank!

Where it’s fragile, it breaks. That’s exactly what happened to Kira’s family.

Every morning, Kira rushed off to work, and in the evenings, she hurried home: to cook dinner, check her son Stepa’s homework, take care of her husband. Her nerves were frayed. She hadn’t expected fate to seize her so forcefully.

Then one evening, as she was once again hurrying home, oblivious to everything around her, she noticed a large brown wallet near the entrance of her building.

Kira assumed that it might have been lost by her neighbor, Anastasia Mikhaylovna, whose figure had just disappeared around the corner of the building.

She ran after her, but the woman simply raised her hands in a gesture of surprise.

Kira stopped and paused for a moment. At that very moment, the wind playfully tousled her hair, bringing with it a refreshing breeze. She closed her eyes, feeling an inner freedom from worry for the first time in a long while—as if the world here and now were entirely different, free from problems and hustle.

Then she decided to open the wallet.

«Empty. Almost empty,» she muttered.

Inside were only a small icon of Spiridon Trimifuntsky and a weathered scrap of paper.

With curiosity, Kira unfolded the paper and began to read. At first, her face twisted with astonishment, then her eyes filled with tears. She felt her legs begin to tremble. It seemed as though this letter was meant specifically for her, as if someone had deliberately left it in her path.

A letter!

«Dear Grandma, hello! I have done everything you advised. Yes, times have been hard. I found myself alone with a disabled child in my arms, drowning in debt. When I no longer had the strength to resist circumstances, when the struggle for a decent existence seemed impossible. When, in the evenings, tears became my only companion due to loneliness and lack of support.

Your faith became a true salvation for me. Thank you for introducing me to Spiridon Trimifuntsky! Thank you for your stories about his miracles. And, following your example, I—exhausted and drained—went to the saint to ask for help. I touched his relics, praying that even a drop of hope might return to my heart. Hope for a bright future!

But I never imagined how quickly help would arrive. Changes happened rapidly and for the better. I was astonished! Now I am ready to shout it from the rooftops, to urge others to turn to the saints! For their purpose is to help people who come with faith and pain in their hearts. They lived for us and continue to live in our hearts.

Barely leaving the church, an old schoolmate called out to me. We hadn’t met in a long time! She too holds Spiridon Trimifuntsky in reverence. We began to talk, and understanding the depth of my pain, she said, ‘Wait for a call this evening.’

That evening, her brother called and offered me a well-paid job. Imagine—I, drowning in debt with a disabled child—felt a glimmer of hope for the first time. My life began to change for the better!

A few days later, I started at my new job. I was given an advance immediately, given the situation with my son. I was able to hire an assistant to look after him and buy the necessary work clothes. It was a new chapter—a step forward, toward a better life!

Grandma, my beloved! How I wish you could have read these lines…»

Kira felt as if she had awakened from a long, lingering sleep. In her memory, the words her grandmother had spoken a year ago about Spiridon Trimifuntsky resurfaced—he helps with finances, opens new opportunities, resolves housing issues.

After reading the letter, her own problems seemed so insignificant and temporary. She even felt ashamed of her own worries. Of course, she would go to the saint’s icon first thing tomorrow to offer a prayer. But now, Kira realized: through this letter, the saint had already touched her destiny—as if a conversation had already taken place.

She headed home, feeling a surge of joy and inspiration. It seemed as though the world around her had transformed, blooming with new colors!