Sveta, I asked you not to call me! Dasha is very jealous!» Dmitry said irritably, whispering and covering the receiver with his hand. «It’s from work, sweetie! Don’t worry!» he shouted. «No, just look at this… She’s jealous! And on what basis? You’re nothing to her!» Now it wasn’t so painful for Svetlana. Rather, her hurt had transformed into irritation and anger towards her husband. Just think! The mistress was jealous of the wife! Of the one Dmitry had been with for twenty years! «I just wanted to say that I will give the gift myself. No need to come anymore.»
Dmitry «found» his new love, Dasha, in some bar. He liked to spend Fridays in such places and watch the spinning girls. One of these «beauties» was Dasha. She appreciated the size of the «tips» and agreed to continue interacting with Dima in a more private setting. A couple of months after such meetings, something finally hit Dmitry on the head, and he told his wife that he was in love. «I’m leaving. This girl is my ray of sunshine.»
«And me?! How can this be?!» Svetlana gasped. «And you? Live somehow.»
«But we have a family… Dima, come to your senses! I’m post-surgery… Who will help me?! I can’t even get to the store!»
«Order grocery delivery, they’ll bring everything. Am I your porter?» Dmitry grimaced.
«Live with me for at least another month. They’ll remove the stitches, I’ll walk a bit more…»
«And what shall I tell Dasha? No, dear. I’ve made up my mind. If you need a caretaker, you can hire one. You have savings.»
Dmitry hastily stuffed his passport and some documents into a bag and left. He didn’t even take his personal belongings—he was in such a hurry to get to his mistress.
When the door slammed, Svetlana lay still for a long time. It felt like her life was over.
She had no close relatives—her husband was the only family member. God didn’t give Svetlana children, but Dmitry had a daughter, Tanya, from his first marriage, whom Svetlana had practically raised: the girl was 7 years old when Dmitry’s first wife died. A year after the funeral, he married Svetlana.
It was love at first sight.
The stepdaughter didn’t accept Svetlana immediately: adolescence, longing for her mother… But Svetlana found a way to the girl’s heart, and soon she began to call her stepmother «mom.»
«You are the perfect woman! You should be worshipped!» Dmitry would say, raising a glass as they celebrated another anniversary of their family life. In sorrow and in joy, Sveta was with Dima. She took care of his mother when she was seriously ill, raised his daughter, managed the household, and worked a good job. When Dmitry had business problems, it was Svetlana who «saved» the family: she took on private clients, hustled…
For Tanya’s wedding, Svetlana had saved enough money to give the young couple a honeymoon voucher. The couple paid for the celebration from their own funds: both the groom and the bride were already adults and independent.
Nothing foreshadowed trouble… But as soon as Svetlana had a health issue—a leg surgery—her husband immediately distanced himself. A limping wife was of no use to him. His «young» soul longed to find a younger body.
«I’m no help in these matters. Go to the hospital, do what you need, and I’ll be at home.»
He never visited Svetlana in the hospital, and when the woman was discharged home, it turned out that a strange lady had «visited» the house in the wife’s absence. Dmitry didn’t make excuses and announced that he was leaving.
«Forgot to say: don’t tell Tanya that we’re getting divorced. No need to spoil her mood before the wedding,» Dmitry sent a message after leaving, and Svetlana gave in to tears.
She didn’t tell her stepdaughter.
Due to her busy work schedule and the stress related to planning the wedding, Tanya drifted away from her stepmother.
«Don’t come to me, manage your own affairs. I’m coping,» Svetlana assured her, not to burden her beloved Tanya.
Nevertheless, the stepdaughter sent groceries. She couldn’t carry heavy items herself, so her fiancé, Yegor, would come.
Tanya visited Svetlana a few times, but since it was during work hours, she didn’t notice the absence of her father. She only noticed that her stepmother looked worn out.
«Let’s send you to a sanatorium for rehabilitation?» Tanya suggested. «Get treated.»
«Later, daughter. Get married calmly. I’m fine,» Svetlana reassured her.
In reality, the woman was far from fine. She had to hire a nurse and an orderly to avoid «drowning» in dirt and to receive professional help.
The only thing that kept Svetlana from giving up was the desire to see Tanya’s child, to dote on her grandson. That’s why she worked incredibly hard, learned to walk properly after surgery, and soon was moving around the apartment on crutches successfully.
Then Svetlana started going outside, carefully descending the stairs. Tanya took her out for her first walk. They, along with the nurse, helped the woman descend to breathe some fresh air near the house.
«And dad? Doesn’t he walk you?» Tanya frowned.
«He’s busy.»
«I see. I’ll talk to him. I don’t like how he’s been so busy lately. Whenever I call him, he’s always busy…»
Sveta didn’t reply. She looked away and changed the subject.
«Everything’s wonderful with the wedding! A famous photographer will be there! I’m dreaming of great photos! I hope everything goes perfectly and nothing spoils our celebration,» Tanya shared.
«I wanted to offer some money if you need anything… You know I can’t be of much help…»
«Mom, everything’s ready. Don’t worry, better take care of yourself, you look pale as death. You don’t look well.»
Svetlana didn’t take her daughter’s words seriously, but she ordered a beautiful dress with a shawl for the wedding. The outfit was delivered, the nurse helped her try it on, and Sveta was pleased.
«Just need a hairstyle, makeup, and it’ll be fine.»
«You look very nice!» the nurse nodded.
The wedding was just a little while away. Svetlana’s mood gradually improved. She was looking forward to the celebration as a breath of fresh air… Despite knowing that her cheating husband would be there.
She didn’t want to see him, but Svetlana understood that she would go to this wedding for Tanya’s sake. And she tried her best to forgive and understand Dmitry. Anything could happen… What if they really had a heavenly love?
When the husband unexpectedly showed up, she didn’t start a scandal. Silently let him into the house.
«Listen, Sveta, here’s the thing… You wanted to gift the newlyweds a seaside trip, right?» Dmitry went straight to the point without any «prelude.»
«Yes. I’ve already paid for the voucher.»
Dmitry thought for a moment.
«Give me the gift. I’ll pass it to the newlyweds.»
«I will pass it myself.»
«Normally. Did you think I’d die without you?» Svetlana’s voice trembled. «No, turned out I’m quite resilient. On crutches, but I’m walking. Alive and kicking!»
«Sveta, you’re indeed tough. But do you really think Tanya, who’s so worried about the perfect wedding, would be glad to see you there? With crutches, limping? You probably need to get your head treated! A wedding is a young people’s affair!» he said, looking disdainfully at his wife’s crutches.
«And what, do you think I should sit at home while my daughter gets married?» Svetlana couldn’t hold back her emotions.
«Tanya is not your daughter! She’s your stepdaughter. Technically, you’re nobody to her. She’d be happy to see only close and healthy people at the wedding, people who won’t spoil the festive atmosphere with their sour faces and crutches. And what she hasn’t told you to your face is just because she’s been well brought up.»
«I raised her! Get out!» Svetlana said and pointed to the door. A bit later, she called her husband to say that she would present the gift herself, but at that moment it was hard for her.
Her forced calm and the positive results of her work on herself after her husband left were gone. She thought she had managed to turn the page and let go. But Dmitry had hurt her too deeply again—stabbed right at the heart.
Luckily, a nurse was nearby and quickly gave her a sedative.
«Rest. You shouldn’t be upset. I’m sure your daughter loves you. And she’s not just any ‘stepdaughter’ to you. She’s yours, your own, even if not by blood! You raised her. I’ve seen how she looks at you and how worried she is about you! Don’t listen to your husband, he’s just… a fool!» the nurse blurted out.
But Svetlana didn’t feel any better from her words. She seriously thought things over.
The woman didn’t sleep all night, turning over heavy thoughts in her head. By morning, she remembered all of Tanya’s words.
«I’m so dreaming of great photos! I hope everything goes perfectly and nothing spoils our celebration.»
«Don’t worry about us, better take care of yourself, because you’re pale as death.»
«You don’t look well.»
«When will you walk without crutches? Come on, try harder!»
And much more. In light of her husband’s words, these phrases took on a different meaning.
«What if Tanya really didn’t want to see me at her celebration? After all, I’m essentially a stranger to her»…
Sveta approached the mirror, ran her thin hand through her hair. More gray strands had appeared…
She glanced at the crutches. How tired she was of them! But she couldn’t walk without them yet.
Her gaze shifted to the wardrobe, where the festive dress hung.
«I need to return it. I won’t go. I won’t spoil people’s mood. Although Dmitry is a scoundrel, he’s right. I’m old, limping, a lonely aunt. A stranger. The celebration is only for the close ones.»
Svetlana canceled the manicure, makeup, and hairstyle appointments.
«Plans have changed. No need to get dolled up,» she quietly said, canceling all the appointments.
On the eve of the wedding, she called Tanya and talked to her as if nothing had happened. She didn’t dare to ask directly, and everything was already decided. Besides, Tanya was too busy and very nervous. Svetlana realized that her stepdaughter felt uncomfortable having the conversation, and she was only confirmed in her suspicions.
She knew the civil ceremony would be at the city hall at 10 AM. Svetlana got up early, couldn’t sleep. She didn’t feel like eating. So she just busied herself with ironing clothes. It was calming. The phone was in the bedroom, so she didn’t hear incoming calls.
The nurse wasn’t expected that day. Being left to her own devices, when the doorbell rang, she was surprised.
«Who is it?»
«Your son-in-law. Open up!» the voice of Yegor sounded through the intercom. «Svetlana Demidovna, why aren’t you ready? What happened?!»
«Yes, I… I decided that I would be superfluous at the wedding.»
«You? The mother of the bride can’t be superfluous! Tanya threw a fit when she didn’t see you among the guests. We thought you’d come with Dmitry Sergeyevich… But he showed up with some girl…» Yegor said, nervously fiddling with his watch. «Come on, Svetlana Demidovna, hurry up! They’ve moved the registration to two hours later.»
«And Tanya? Does she want me to come? With crutches?»
«She won’t get married without you! That’s what she told me. She’s sitting with her friends now, barely holding it together. All on edge: why didn’t mom pick up the phone… And didn’t come…»
«I thought… That… well, never mind.» Svetlana turned off the iron and headed to the wardrobe.
Half an hour later, she was riding with her son-in-law to the city hall.
«Brought the latecomer!» Yegor helped his mother-in-law out of the car and to the bride’s room. Tanya’s makeup was being touched up, it had «run» a bit due to emotions after talking to her father.
«Mommy!» Tanya rushed to her mother. «You came!»
«Yes. I couldn’t miss the most important event. Just got a bit delayed. Sorry…»
Tanya hugged Svetlana.
They both cried.
«I kicked out dad. He has no place here,» Tanya confessed through tears. «He told me about the call he made to you the day before the wedding. And about your divorce! Imagine, he dared to bring some girl to the wedding and thought I’d be happy, want to get to know her! I’m sorry, mom, I’m to blame for not giving you the proper attention and care. You were all alone all this time…»
«It’s all right, the main thing is that now everything is in its place. Let’s celebrate, wipe away the tears.»
Tanya calmed down. They were married, and the wedding went perfectly. When it was time for the parents’ congratulations, Tanya took the microphone.
«Mommy, you know you’re the best, right? And don’t listen to anyone. You’re mine. My very own!» the daughter said, embracing her mother. And although Svetlana had crutches in her hands, at that moment, she didn’t feel them. She was as if on wings until the end of the evening and even danced a little to some popular tune. That’s what love does… It heals people!
Dmitry eventually returned to the wedding, Tanya allowed him to participate in the celebration when she learned that he came alone and apologized to Svetlana.
He had a serious falling out with Dasha. She was furious that she was kicked out of the wedding and humiliated. After all, she wanted to shine, but it didn’t work out… The bride outshined her, and happy Svetlana looked dignified and glowed with pride for Tanechka. She didn’t care what her husband thought, and certainly not what some Dasha thought…