Maxim looked at Irina with disgust. Why was he subjected to such a trial? Truthfully, he had never agreed to babysit a ghost.
Lately, he had tried to minimize his time at home, just to see his wife less, who had turned his life into a real nightmare.
They had lived together for ten years. Irina, whom he had considered his pillar and reliable support, suddenly decided to change the rules of the game. Now, she demanded care, instead of continuing to take care of him, as if her health had failed overnight.
The reason for the illness turned out to be simple—idleness! At work, she was busy only until the evening, then managed to iron a shirt and prepare dinner. If she stayed up late at the computer, it was her personal business. Maxim always believed that one needed to manage finances in such a way that they sufficed for necessities.
About a year ago, it all started. The first time, Irina simply forgot to prepare dinner, citing fatigue. But soon, such cases became more frequent.
Then she began to forget about other household chores: ironing clothes, maintaining order. Maxim endured, but it could not continue for long. After all, he was building a career, and Irina knew about it from the beginning. They had agreed that the primary responsibility lay on him, as she was not career-oriented.
When his patience ran out, Maxim grabbed his wife’s hand and dragged her to the doctor:
— We’ll run some tests now. We’ll see that you’re as healthy as a bull, and you’ll finally stop these performances, — he declared confidently.
— Maybe we shouldn’t? What if it’s something serious? — Irina timidly objected.
— There can’t be anything serious with you. It’s just a whim, — Maxim snapped.
That was the only moment in life he regretted not listening to her words. The doctor reported the presence of a brain tumor. He explained that the situation was extremely serious, and if the growth was not removed, the consequences would be tragic. However, the surgery was complicated, the tumor’s location was very unfortunate, and few would take it on in a state clinic. The only way out was a costly procedure.
— I understand that you’ll manage, so don’t delay, — said the doctor. — The tumor is growing slowly but relentlessly. The longer you wait, the more difficult the treatment will become.
Irina looked at her husband fearfully, who was nervously pacing the room.
— You understand, we don’t have that kind of money, — she muttered. — What if we take out a loan? It’s not such a large sum…
Her eyes filled with hope.
— A loan? How sweet of you to suggest such an option, — Maxim responded sarcastically. — And what if the surgery turns out to be useless? Am I supposed to pay off this debt all my life? Very convenient—thinking only about yourself.
— But what else is there to do? Wait for the end? — Irina asked in despair.
— Why not? Continue treating it other ways. It doesn’t have to be this operation, — Maxim coldly said.
At first, he took her to other specialists. All confirmed the diagnosis, except for one doctor from a dubious remote clinic. His treatment method with pills suited Maxim.
Irina’s condition did not improve, and it irritated Maxim to the limit. Now he had to not only cook but also iron shirts himself. When Ira tried to help today, everything fell from her hands, causing even more irritation.
— Irina, lie down, and I’ll do everything myself, — he gritted through his teeth.
— I want to help… — she stammered.
— You’ll help by disappearing from my sight, — he threw back harshly.
Maxim was displeased to look at her gaunt face, unkempt appearance. Was this the woman he had once chosen? Now, there was Lyudmila—his mistress for several months. She was completely different. But for now, he was bound by obligations to Irina. His boss, a man of high moral principles, would never forgive him if he found out that he abandoned his sick wife. His career would immediately go downhill. Maxim barely finished his lunch when his phone in his pocket vibrated. As they say, thoughts are material.
— Yes, Alexander Ivanovich? — he spoke respectfully.
He listened to instructions for a long time and, without finishing the conversation, already jumped up from his chair.
— Of course, I’ll try to arrive as soon as possible. I understand the importance of the situation. Yes, I know that our cottage is near your location.
He began to hurriedly gather. The boss’s car had broken down nearby Irina’s old grandfather’s cottage. They used to go there often: the house was solid, and the place picturesque. But Maxim always found himself bored there, and gradually the trips ceased.
— Maxim, you’re simply a miracle! I didn’t even have time to miss you, and you’re already here. What beauty around! — the boss exclaimed in admiration.
— Always glad to help, — Maxim smiled obsequiously.
— Is this really your cottage nearby? — Alexander Ivanovich asked, looking around.
— Yes, just a couple of kilometers away, — confirmed Maxim.
— Seriously? How lucky! To have such a place is true happiness.
— Yes, we rarely go. I think it could be sold, — Maxim threw indifferently.
Until that moment, he had not even thought about selling. Moreover, he was sure that Irina would never agree. But something inside suggested that this was a great way to get money.
— Maybe we can go there and have a look? Who knows, maybe we’ll make a deal? — Alexander Ivanovich proposed, as if in passing.
Maxim’s insides turned from joyful anticipation. Of course, these funds were not meant for Irina’s treatment. He had already figured out how to spend them.
Alexander Ivanovich was charmed by both the house and the location.
— Maxim, I truly do not understand how one can not appreciate such places. It’s not far from the city. A little modernization, and you could live here year-round. I’m buying. We’ll discuss the price in the office. But your wife won’t mind?
— No problems. She’s a city person; she doesn’t accept this kind of life, — Maxim assured him.
After the conversation in the office, only one thing remained: getting Irina’s signature on the documents. Maxim pondered long on how to do this, but the solution came by itself. In the evening, he entered his wife’s room.
— We need to talk.
Irina struggled to sit up.
— Ira, I can no longer see you suffering. I’ve decided to take out a loan for the surgery. But we need collateral. I thought about the cottage. It’s just sitting there unused. We’ll just put it up as collateral.
Her eyes lit up with hope:
— Max, dear, thank you! But… I can’t go to the notary myself. How do we do this?
— Don’t worry. Everything is resolvable remotely now. You just sign the papers, and I’ll handle the rest, — he reassured her magnanimously.
— Of course, — she agreed immediately.
Maxim had not expected such an outcome. Now, he berated himself for asking for too little. But nothing could be done—the deal was already concluded. Meanwhile, Lyudmila was making plans.
— Maxim, when will you finally be free? — she asked impatiently.
— Lyuda, we need to wait a bit. Her condition is worsening day by day. We need to find a way to speed up the process, — he thoughtfully responded.
— Don’t talk nonsense. I’m not about to become an accomplice to something forbidden, — Lyudmila retorted indignantly.
Maxim felt uncomfortable from the conversation. Of course, Irina was a burden to him, but he did not want to cross the line. Lyudmila angrily watched him go. Time passed, and her age was not waiting. Action was necessary.
She took out her phone and sent a message without thinking about the consequences.
Irina struggled to reach her phone. For days, no one had written or called. Opening the message, she froze, then bitter tears flowed down her cheeks. Of course, Maxim could not love someone like her—sick and helpless.
She decided what to do. She needed to disappear, hide. Leave room for Maxim’s new life. She would wait for the end at the cottage, where no one would find her. Probably, the story with the loan was just a way to get rid of her constant complaints.
Gathering her last strength, Irina got up. Each step was incredibly difficult. The main thing was not to lose consciousness on the way. She would reach the cottage and there meet her end, freeing Maxim.
— We’ve arrived, madam! — the taxi driver announced cheerfully.
Irina slowly opened her eyes. Yes, this was her home—or rather, her grandfather’s house. But why was the light on in the window? Perhaps, it was a sign—her relatives had come for her? With great difficulty, she crawled to the porch. She could move no more. Her eyes clouded over, and she lost consciousness, falling on the threshold.
Maxim patiently waited two weeks, pondering whether Irina would appear. However, her letter was clear enough: she would not return. This only simplified the situation—now he could file for divorce with a clear conscience. Everyone at work was shocked: Maxim had always seemed like a model family man. Even Alexander Ivanovich once asked what had happened.
— Nothing special, — Maxim grimly replied. — My wife thanked me for everything I did for her by writing a letter and disappearing. There was something like ‘left, hated,’ and another phrase about not even trying to find her.
The boss looked at him strangely but added nothing. Maxim internally smirked: the boss had been a widower for many years and clearly forgot what it was like to have a family. Who was he to teach about life?
Months passed, and the long-awaited promotion still did not come. Soon, the third court session would take place, after which they would be officially divorced. But Lyudmila suddenly began to distance herself. She said that Maxim’s career growth had stalled, and she was not ready for such an outcome. Her hopes for his future were completely different. Then Maxim decided to talk to the boss.
— Maybe we should discuss some issues? Come to my cottage tomorrow. I hope you remember where it is, — Alexander Ivanovich mysteriously offered.
Maxim was pleased. A more loyal setting was exactly what was needed. Of course, he remembered the place well. When Lyudmila found out he was going, she also wanted to accompany him.
— Your ex has been out of your life for a long time. Why don’t you stop playing the bachelor role? — she persuaded him.
Maxim agreed:
— Yes, and the evening there might be long. We’ll drink, then stay the night. Let’s go together.
The house greeted them with a transformed look. Everything had been neatly renovated, with new decorative elements added. Maxim whistled:
— Wow! I didn’t know Ivanich had become so attached to this place!
Lyudmila immediately teased:
— Seems like you really sold it cheap.
— Maybe, but who could have guessed that he would like this place so much? — Maxim muttered, taking a bag out of the car.
They were well-prepared: they brought wine, and Lyudmila made snacks. Maxim was locking the car when Lyudmila started tugging on his sleeve.
— What’s up? — he asked irritably, not turning around.
But she remained silent, continuing to pull on his sleeve. He turned and followed her gaze. His heart skipped a beat: standing before them were Irina and Alexander Ivanovich.
Irina was unrecognizable. Short hair was almost completely hidden under a stylish turban, but her appearance had transformed beyond recognition. She looked amazingly beautiful, as if glowing from within.
Alexander Ivanovich supported her by the elbow with such care that spoke volumes. Maxim confusedly shifted his gaze to Lyudmila, but she stood there with her mouth open.
— Come in, — Alexander Ivanovich invited softly.
— I wanted this conversation to happen here, — he continued coldly, — not to fire you in the office but to do it in front of the person you betrayed.
— Betrayed? But… but I found a letter! She left on her own! — Maxim protested.
— Can a sick person just up and leave? — the boss calmly countered. — I’m sure there were valid reasons. Maybe your mistress can tell us what’s going on? Though now it doesn’t matter. By the way, you’ll have to return the money for the cottage. Yesterday, the contract was declared invalid, and a case has been opened against you.
— What case? For what? — Maxim stammered in astonishment.
— For fraud, — Alexander Ivanovich replied succinctly.
— Lyud, why are you silent? Why ruin everyone’s life? You don’t have much time left! — he lashed out at Lyudmila.
Irina smiled:
— Another disappointment for you, Maxim. The doctors have told me that I will live a long and happy life. And I will have time to have children. Oh, another piece of news: Sasha paid for my surgery. So your plans have failed again.
She turned and headed to the house. Alexander Ivanovich lingered.
— Maxim, you understand that there is no place for you in my company. And although Irina needs nothing, trust me, she now has everything necessary. I’ve hired a lawyer who will split the property in half. Prepare the money if you want to keep your apartment and car.
Maxim slowly sank into the car. He sat for a long time, staring at one spot, then started the engine.
— Maybe we’ll get drunk today? — he suggested gloomily to Lyudmila.
— Not with me. I’m moving my things back home today. So many years wasted, I could have already been married long ago, — she snorted.
— But I’ll be free soon! Why are you giving up? — Maxim was stunned.
— Why would I need a man who will drag me down? Thanks, but no, — Lyudmila cut him off.
Maxim watched her, then the house, and pressed the gas hard. He had been simply used. Both Irina and Lyudmila turned out to be smarter than he thought.