When my relatives didn’t show up at the wedding, I immediately understood what was going on.


When my relatives didn’t come to my wedding, I immediately understood why. People, for whom their own needs were far more important than the joy for a loved one, thought they were showing pride, but I knew that in reality it was envy and selfishness.

Even though I am only 21, at this age I have already found my love. Sasha has been my boyfriend since I was 15. He is my first love and, I hope, my last. During these 6 years of our relationship, Sasha and I have been through so much together. And even if someone thinks that we are too young to talk about it that way, I can confidently reply that everyone faces an inner struggle. A stranger doesn’t know you, your family, or your life. So is it worth listening to him? Sasha and I didn’t listen to anyone.

— “How long have you been together?” — we were often asked. — “Five years now,” — we replied proudly.

— “And you don’t want to break up?” — Such questions also came up. — “We didn’t plan to.”

— “But you haven’t dated anyone else, only each other. Don’t you want to try something new? Many couples break up after school because they can’t cope with the changes in life.”

— “We managed to cope with those changes.”

— “I see… I wouldn’t have been able to do it, it would be boring to be with just one person all your life.”

— “Yaroslava and I never get so bored that we’d go to someone else or end the relationship,” Sasha replied, thereby shutting down further questions.

Many told us that we wouldn’t last long. And most of the questions we were asked were rather tactless. The reasons varied: daily life, boredom, the desire to interact with others, and other “adult” problems. But I was completely sure that Sasha was my person. You can only understand that with feelings that you can’t put into words.

On our 6th anniversary, Sasha proposed to me. Although we had, of course, discussed plans for the future, I didn’t think that Sasha would decide to propose so soon. However, I never doubted for a second, as I wholeheartedly wished to become Sasha’s wife.

— “Sasha, I only want a beautiful wedding!” — I exclaimed. — “A white dress, a veil, a beautiful ceremony, a first dance, a big cake… I know it sounds cliché, but I really want this day to be unforgettable for us! A wedding happens only once in a lifetime.”

— “Well, not for everyone,” — Sasha joked, which made me gently shove him.

— “What, are you planning to leave me at 40 with three kids to fend for yourself?” — I dramatically placed my hand on my forehead and feigned despair.

Sasha laughed and embraced me.

— “How could I leave my feisty lady and actress? And I promise we’ll have a magnificent wedding.”

— “Hurrah!”

Sasha and I decided to save money. Each of us set aside a part of our salary, though of course Sasha wanted to pay for most of it himself. Meanwhile, I took on the responsibility for organizing and handling all the related matters. Choosing the venue, the food, the cake, the decorations, making the guest list — it was all on me. But, naturally, before making any decisions, I discussed everything with Sasha. Even though he almost always agreed immediately, explaining that my taste was much better than his.

For the wedding, we wanted to invite not every relative and acquaintance we’d seen only a couple of times, but only close family and our best friends. And after the wedding, we planned to go on a honeymoon by the sea.

— “Sweetheart, what are your plans with Sasha? Are you just going to get married?” — my mom asked. — “What makes you think that? We’re saving up for a wedding and a honeymoon.”

— “I see… And where will you get the money?”

— “We both work, Mom. Sasha earns quite well, and I recently got a raise, so in a few months we’ll easily have enough saved for the wedding.”

— “I see. And how much do you plan to save?”

— “About seven hundred thousand, roughly. But we already have some savings.”

— “Really? And you’re going to spend all that money just on the wedding?”

— “And to go to the sea.”

— “Well… Your dad and I only threw a wedding for around twenty thousand. And you two are going all out…”

— “Mom, that was a different time. We want a beautiful wedding and we can afford it.”

— “Well, I can only say, good luck with your plans. Although I doubt you’ll save that much,” Mom laughed.

— “We will, don’t worry.”

My relationship with my mom wasn’t very close. We weren’t best friends and talked about once a month, yet I did tell her the most important details about the wedding. Her reaction didn’t surprise me; she rarely could genuinely rejoice for me. Or at least, show it.

Soon after, I regretted having told Mom in such detail about our savings and plans with Sasha. News of my wedding and how much we intended to spend spread like wildfire among all relatives and acquaintances. Whenever I met someone, they immediately bombarded me with questions and tried to convince me that spending that much on a wedding was unreasonable. However, I didn’t listen to anyone.

My Aunt Oksana was particularly interested in our money.

— “Hello, Yasia! How are you doing, dear?”

— “Hi, Aunt Oksana. I’m fine, just working and studying.”

— “Ah, I see. I heard you’re getting married. Congratulations!”

— “Thank you very much.”

— “Mom said you’re saving up an astronomical sum for the wedding.”

— “I wouldn’t say it’s astronomical. Mom, as usual, exaggerates and dramatizes.”

— “Eight hundred thousand is no small amount! With that kind of money, you could buy an apartment or a car. If I had that money, I’d spend it on a car right away, since with my salary that won’t happen anytime soon, and my car is already old…”

— “We decided to invest it in our special celebration and in memories that will last us a lifetime.”

— “Oh, you’re so young, always dreaming about romance… It’ll pass. How much have you saved so far?”

— “Not enough yet.”

— “Well, how much? A hundred, two hundred, three hundred thousand?”

— “Three hundred.”

— “I see, I see. Well, good luck, young ones.”

Aunt Oksana’s keen interest in our money irritated me, but I didn’t pay it much mind. However, soon she began calling me almost every two weeks to check on our savings progress.

— “So, have you saved half of it yet?”

— “Yeah, progressing well, good job, keep it up!”

— “It looks like you have only a little left to go. Last time you saved fifty thousand, and now it’s eighty. A good result!”

One might think that Aunt Oksana was simply supporting us, but something in her excessive interest was unsettling. I doubted her intentions and didn’t really believe her emotions. Throughout my life, I had only talked to her during holidays, until suddenly she felt like my closest relative. It was strange.

But soon I understood what was hidden behind her mask of courtesy and curiosity.

Sasha and I were already very close to reaching our target sum, with only a few thousand remaining. I was excited about actively preparing for the wedding and feeling wonderful. Sasha was also in a fantastic mood. In the evenings, we discussed important matters and created a detailed plan of action with all contacts, examples, and calculations.

One day, Aunt Oksana decided to drop by for a visit. Honestly, I wasn’t very eager, but I didn’t refuse. Yet I didn’t know how her visit would turn out.

We had a brief social conversation for about five minutes, but I felt that it wouldn’t be long before Aunt Oksana couldn’t hold back and would ask what she desperately wanted to know.

— “So, kids, have you saved the whole sum yet?” — she asked with genuine interest.

— “Almost,” — I replied briefly.

— “So, the total is about 800 thousand?”

— “Yes.”

After a few seconds of silence, she declared:

— “The money you’ve been saving for the wedding, give it to me—I’ll buy myself a car.”

I almost choked on my tea, and Sasha started coughing.

— “Do you not understand?” — I glared at my aunt.

— “What’s not clear, Yasia? I was there for you from school, for example, when you were little. And you even used to stay overnight at my place when your mother had to work the night shift. Don’t you remember?”

— “And what does that have to do with anything?”

— “Besides, Yasia, I would at least like to get some gratitude from you. Right now is your chance to pay me back.”

— “Why on earth should I pay you back? You used to pick me up from school, not gift me diamonds. You’re not my mother to ask for that. I would even refuse such a request from my own mom.”

— “You’re so greedy! You only think about yourself and couldn’t care less about your relatives! You say you’d even refuse your own mother? I’m not envious of her; she raised such a greedy daughter!”

— “Aunt Oksana, where is the greed in that? This is our money, Sasha’s and mine, and we decide where to spend it.”

— “And what, Alexander, are you silent? Do you think your fiancée is right in not helping out relatives?”

— “With all due respect, Oksana Dmitrievna, you’re asking for way too much. I worked from morning till night not to give this money away for some pointless needs, but to celebrate a wedding with the woman I love,” Sasha supported.

— “Pointless needs?! My car broke down, and I’ve been riding buses for two years! And I need to get to my country house and tend the garden!”

— “Listen, that’s not a reason for you to demand our money. You’re not getting it.”

Aunt Oksana abruptly stood up, nearly toppling the chair.

— “You shameless scoundrels! So young, yet so brazen and insolent, thinking only about yourselves. Remember, Yasia, I will not forget this betrayal on your part. And don’t you dare call me if something happens to you! Even if your husband leaves you with a child in your arms, I won’t lift a finger to help you! Goodbye!”

I couldn’t believe that my aunt turned out to be like this. I was utterly shocked. I was overwhelmed with anger and a sense of injustice. The person who called me selfish was thinking only about herself, and not about supporting a loved one.

Within a couple of hours, when I had calmed down a bit, Mom called.

— “Do you think this is normal?” — Mom immediately started yelling at me. — “Oksana came to me in tears and told me how you sent her packing. Are you saying you were stingy with money?”

— “And you too,” I rolled my eyes. — “Do you think it’s normal that Sasha and I spent several months saving for our wedding, and Aunt Oksana came and demanded that we give her that money? And for what, a car?! Are you serious?”

— “She’s your family, you’re supposed to help her! She was waiting for you to have enough money so she wouldn’t bother you, and you only think about yourself!”

— “She only thinks about herself. Instead of congratulating and supporting me, she decided to take everything away. And you’re supporting her. Are you out of your mind?”

— “How dare you speak to your mother like that? I never expected this from you. I didn’t raise my daughter like this!”

— “Oh, look at you! Know what, I’m not giving you any money. Let Aunt Oksana save up for her car herself, instead of trying to take what isn’t hers.”

I hung up the phone. My emotions overwhelmed me so much that my head spun. I couldn’t believe that my mom would support her sister instead of standing by me. Fortunately, I had my own mind and Sasha’s support. I didn’t think I owed my aunt anything.

Less than six months later, Sasha and I had our wedding. On the day we sent out the invitations, I considered inviting Mom and Aunt Oksana. I thought about it for a long time and, frankly, didn’t want to be stressed out either then or on the wedding day. However, Sasha convinced me to send them invitations. In a way, I still hoped that they would realize their mistake and make an effort to reconcile.

But on the wedding day, they didn’t come. On one hand, I wasn’t surprised. I felt relieved, knowing I wouldn’t have to worry about Mom’s or Aunt Oksana’s behavior. On the other hand, it hurt, because I understood something: because of some car, my own family was willing to abandon me. It’s hard to accept.

Nevertheless, we had a beautiful and heartfelt wedding, and afterwards we went away to the sea. Sasha became the only person I could truly call family. He supported and protected me. And that was the most important thing for me.