Split the bill, please,» said Alexey to the waiter. Natalia swallowed nervously; she didn’t have any money on her


— Vika, you have no idea! — chirped Natalia into the phone. — It looks like I’ve found the man of my dreams!

Natalia was naturally a feisty and fiery girl—a trait that had helped her out in various life situations. Though she had graduated in logistics management from college, she had barely scraped through.

During her wild student years, she was far more interested in the countless parties with friends and lively get-togethers than preparing for the serious adult life where one would have to work and earn a living.

And, frankly, she never had the energy to master the skills expected of a future specialist.

Now, at twenty-six, her career and earnings still weren’t taking off. Having already changed jobs three times—each time being “politely asked” to leave—Natalia didn’t let it get her down.

Even though it really pained her that, despite her ability to sweet-talk employers and present herself as a top-notch specialist, she invariably ended up getting fired because she couldn’t quite back up her supposed talents in practice.

Not long ago, she was almost hired by a decent firm—her acquaintances had promised to “push her through nepotism”—when suddenly she was outdone by another candidate. “Sorry, Natasha, they found a much more suitable girl! Don’t take it personally; unlike you, she actually has excellent skills and the necessary experience. By the way, she’s your old acquaintance…”

“Damn it!” fumed Natalia. “And besides, why am I even looking for a job? It’s high time I started looking for a man—one who is not just any man, but a successful, well-off one.”

In her eyes, all her exes had been “carefree idiots” with whom it was impossible to build a secure future.

“After all, I’m young and beautiful! Why should I slave away at a job? I deserve much more!”

She then put all her many connections to work—“Introduce me to promising, eligible men!”—and didn’t just sit back; she quickly registered on dating apps.

Online, Natasha came across what she considered the most attractive option—a man named Alyosha, who once messaged her. He was very handsome and, judging by his clothes and especially his accessories, a far-from-poor young man.

“These are definitely expensive designer items,” Natasha gushed, admiring her new acquaintance’s photos. “You can immediately tell it’s top quality. Now that’s the kind of man I need.”

Determined to make the best possible impression on her future boyfriend, she posted her most flattering photos from her best angles—it went without saying. And in conversation, Natalia also made every effort to impress Alexey—she was exceptionally sweet, appropriately flirtatious, and very friendly.

The impression worked—Alyosha was delighted with his new, albeit still virtual, acquaintance.

“I know a café that just opened; it’s already claiming to be the best in town. It’s cozy and inviting—maybe we can go there today?”

“Are you talking about ‘Uncle’s Tavern’?”

“Exactly. Have you been there?”

“No, but I’d love to!”

Alexey liked this stylish café with its old-world charm, and he decided it was the perfect spot for a first date.

“So, Vika, I’m going on a first date with him today! Oh, if only I could put him in his place properly, then life might just turn out to be all sweet and carefree, completely supported by a real man!”

“A promising groom, huh?”

“More than that! He’s only twenty-nine, and he already owns two thriving companies, and he’s about to launch a new startup…”

“And he isn’t lying to you, is he?”

“No, Vika, definitely not—I’ve verified everything through my contacts; he really is a successful businessman. And he’s handsome, too—you should see him. In short, he’s an amazing catch! I think I practically have him in the palm of my hand—he clearly likes me a lot.”

“Look, Natasha, take a bit more cash with you today; he’s bound to take you somewhere fancy.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, my friend,” Natalia burst out laughing. “That guy is good enough—he won’t mind picking up the tab on a first date for a lovely lady like me! Alright then, bye for now—I’m off to get ready!”

“Bye, gorgeous,” Vika said with a light chuckle. “Good luck!”

Fixing a golden strand that had escaped her hairstyle, Natalia, extremely pleased with her reflection in the mirror, dashed off to her date.

“Hello,” greeted Alexey politely as a young waitress approached. Many of the café staff knew Alexey well and were always glad to see him, considering him one of the most distinguished guests. “What would you like to order?”

Alexey and Natalia placed their orders and began chatting. For the most part, he talked about himself, while Natalia pretended to listen intently.

When Alexey casually mentioned that he was planning to expand his workforce at one of his companies, Natalia snorted in annoyance, recalling her recent disastrous experience with job hunting.

But she quickly brushed those thoughts aside: “I’m not here to look for a job—I’m here to sort out my personal life!”

At one point in the conversation, when the almost-in-love couple experienced a brief lull, Natalia, gazing out the window, suddenly exclaimed:

“Ha-ha, look over there! Look, look!” Smirking sarcastically, Natalia pointed at a girl walking on the other side of the street.

“Where? What?” Alexey asked, confused.

“See that one in the ridiculous, outdated outfit? Who does she think she is… You see?”

“I see.”

“That’s my old classmate, Svetka Antonova! I just found out she got that logistics manager position that was supposed to be mine! I just can’t understand how she managed that!”

Of course, she understood it perfectly well, but she couldn’t contain her indignation at such a setback.

“Gray mouse!” Natalia continued animatedly.

Suddenly, Natasha thought that now would be the perfect time to show Alexey her feisty, defiant side. After all, successful men love bold girls.

They do, right? Let him see that she’s not some naive girl. That, even though she appeared as a sweet, charming sunshine, she also had a strong character.

And that unexpected episode with Svetka, who had caught her eye, stirred up a storm of indignation inside her.

“I was, by the way, the life of our class! Everyone adored me.”

Hoping that Alexey would support her gloating over her pathetic ex-classmate, Natalia watched him intently.

“And at graduation—can you imagine?—she showed up in a dress that clung to her like a ballet tutu on someone like Valuyev! My friends and I were laughing so hard!”

“Was it really that short?” Alexey inquired.

“Oh no, it’s just that it looked absolutely awful on her,” Natalia laughed.

“Hmm…” Alexey said thoughtfully, “if she managed to secure such a decent position, then maybe she isn’t all that foolish.”

“Well, let her work like a man—true women find happiness in other ways!”

With a slightly enigmatic smile, she looked at her date.

The waiter approached their table:

“Oh, is this Antonov Alexey Valeryevich?” he cheerfully exclaimed. “Hello, it’s a pleasure to see you here—I hope that…”

“Hi, Sasha,” Alexey interrupted him politely with a smile. “Everything here is excellent as always, but I’m about to leave.”

“In that case, may I bring you the bill?”

“Yes, of course.”

The waiter turned and left, but Alexey suddenly called out:

“Sasha, one more thing! Please split the bill! The lady ordered three glasses of champagne, sturgeon, and tiramisu, and the rest is on me.”

“As you wish.”

Not quite understanding what was happening, Natalia suddenly realized she had no money on her. She had been completely convinced that her wealthy, promising suitor would pay for her! Bewildered, she asked:

“Alexey, but how am I supposed to pay my share?… Help me, okay? I left my bank card in another purse!”

Alexey shrugged:

“Your problem. As an option, you could work it off. You’re unemployed, aren’t you? I heard this café is actually looking for a dishwasher.”